

Qdo coloquei este blog sabia q isso podia acontecer... eu tenho muitos amigos e nem todos sao brasileiros ou falam portugues e em consideracao a eles (q sao tao especiais qto - e meus alunos q tao doidos pra me pegar em erros.. hehehe) q me pediram algumas das minhas postagens virao na versao "portugues/ingles"... ai,ai,ai.. q desafio... mas eh isso aih... que venham mais e mais linguas!!!

When I created this blog I knew that this could happen... I have many friends and not all of them are brazilians or "brazilian speakers" but thinking of them (who are very special too - and my pupils who are waiting to catch me in errors.. hehehe) some of my posts will come in version "portuguese/english"... wow... what a challenge... but let's go... I wish more and more languages to come!!!

Thank you!!
(take it easy with me because english isn't my primary language and mistakes will come.. please, don't search for them...if you understand my words, carry on but if is impossible to read.. hehehe... tell me please!!)

1 comentários:

  1. FPBI disse...:

    visitor from indonesia....humanitarian blog

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